

plaiceholder packages are ESM only (opens in a new tab).

getPlaiceholder(input, options);


  • input: raw Buffer image source.

  • options: (optional)

    • size: an integer (between 4 and 64) to adjust the returned placeholder size (default: 4)

    • autoOrient: automatically orient image based on its EXIF data (default: false)

    • Sharp Configuration

      Under-the-hood, plaiceholder uses Sharp (opens in a new tab) to transform images; a small selection of options have been exposed for further customization:

      Plaiceholder has no plans to expand these options. If you need more control on the ouput, we recommend rolling your own Sharp-based LQIP solution.

      • brightness: brightness multiplier (default: 1)
      • format: force output to a specified output (opens in a new tab) (default: ["png"])
      • hue: degrees for hue rotation (no default)
      • lightness: lightness addend (no default)
      • removeAlpha: remove alpha channel for transparent images (default: false)
      • saturation: saturation multiplier (default: 1.2)

Return Values


Converts a specified image into a low-res image, encoded as Base64 string.

For a "blurred" effect, add filter: blur(<value>) and transform: scale(<value>) styles to the image.

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
try {
  const file = await fs.readFile("/path-to-your-image.jpg");
  const { base64 } = await getPlaiceholder(file);
} catch (err) {
// Logs
// …


Gets the dominant color from a specified image, as individual r, g,b values and as a hex code.

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
try {
  const file = await fs.readFile("/path-to-your-image.jpg");
  const { color } = await getPlaiceholder(file);
} catch (err) {
// Logs
// {
//   r: …,
//   g: …,
//   b: …,
//   hex: '…' },
// }


Converts a specified image into a low-res placeholder, outputted as a set of linear-gradients (in the form of a JavaScript style object).

For a "blurred" effect, extend the returned styles with filter: blur(<value>) and transform: scale(<value>).

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
try {
  const file = await fs.readFile("/path-to-your-image.jpg");
  const { css } = await getPlaiceholder(file);
} catch (err) {
// Logs
// {
//   backgroundImage: "…"
//   backgroundPosition: "…"
//   backgroundSize: "…"
//   backgroundRepeat: "…"
// }


Returns all input metadata (via sharp (opens in a new tab)).

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
try {
  const file = await fs.readFile("/path-to-your-image.jpg");
  const { metadata } = await getPlaiceholder(file);
} catch (err) {
// Logs
// {
//   width: …,
//   height: …,
//   format: '…',
//   size: …,
//   space: '…',
//   channels: …,
//   depth: '…',
//   density: …,
//   chromaSubsampling: '…',
//   isProgressive: …,
//   resolutionUnit: '…',
//   hasProfile: …,
//   hasAlpha: …,
//   orientation: …,
//   exif: …,
//   icc: …,
//   iptc: …,
//   xmp: …
// }

Generating <img /> Attributes

A common use-case for metadata would be to generate all essential attributes for your source <img />:

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
try {
  const src = "/path-to-your-image.jpg";
  const file = await fs.readFile(src);
  const {
    metadata: { height, width },
  } = await getPlaiceholder(file);
  const img = { src, height, width };
} catch (err) {
// Logs
// {
//   src: '…',
//   width: …,
//   height: …,
// }


Returns the raw output pixel values as an array of rows, where each row item corresponds to a column.

Each pixel is represented by individual r, g andb values.

For images with transparency, an a value represents the pixel's alpha value.

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
try {
  const file = await fs.readFile("/path-to-your-image.jpg");
  const { pixels } = await getPlaiceholder(file);
} catch (err) {
// Logs
// [
//   // Row 1
//   [
//     // Row 1, Column 1
//     { r: 179, g: 155, b: 178 },
//     // Row 1, Column 2
//     { r: 246, g: 152, b: 170 },
//     // Row 1, Column 3
//     { r: 145, g: 106, b: 123 }
//   ],
//   // Row 2
//   [
//     // Row 2, Column 1
//     { r: 179, g: 155, b: 178 },
//     // Row 2, Column 2
//     { r: 246, g: 152, b: 170 },
//     // Row 2, Column 3
//     { r: 145, g: 106, b: 123 }
//   ],
// ]


Converts a specified image into a low-res placeholder, outputted as an SVG.

For a "blurred" effect, extend the returned SVG's styles with filter: blur(<value>) and transform: scale(<value>).

Although it returns the SVG in the format of React.createElement() (opens in a new tab) arguments, you are not constrained to using React.js.

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
try {
  const file = await fs.readFile("/path-to-your-image.jpg");
  const { svg } = await getPlaiceholder(file);
} catch (err) {
// Logs
// [
//   "svg",
//   { ...svgProps }
//   [
//     [
//       "rect",
//       { ...rectProps }
//     ],
//     ...etc
//   ]
// ]